
Poet, Painter, Editor of the literary magazine WORTSCHAU. Grew up in Kalkar/Lower Rhine.
First teacher and journalist. 1st and 2nd state exams. Three-year stay in Davos/Switzerland. Since 1993 numerous exhibitions and participation in exhibitions. Since 2008 publications mainly of poetry in combination with own paintings. In collaboration with musicians and composers, she has created performances, book/CD projects and poetry films. Poems have been translated into various languages.

Further training by Peter Rosei in Vienna (narration),
Wilfrid Polke in Düsseldorf (sculpture),
Azade Köker in Berlin (sculpture),
Oskar Pastior in Wolfenbüttel (poetry)
Elfriede Czurda in Vienna (Poetry)
and Marina Abramovic in Wolfenbüttel (performance).

Member of
Gedok Cologne, the Association of Women Authors
and the Association of Düsseldorf Artists, vddk1844,
Gedok A 46 e.V. Düsseldorf.
Since 2013 co-editor of the literary magazine WORTSCHAU.
2001-2006 Member of the performance group cox-orangebcup.

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Prizes and scholarships

2022 Working Scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Culture NRW
2021 Working scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Culture of the State of NRW
2020 Working scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Culture of the State of NRW
2019 Prize winner in the Postpoetry Poetry Competition NRW
2018 writer's residency at the Writers' House Ventspils, Latvia
2013 poetry prize of the Kultursalon
"Madame Schoscha", Berlin
2012 artist window "Childhood Heroes"

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