PAGE CHANGE / ē· rā/ tiō
The diary project SEITENWECHSEL on the Eratio literary platform, edited by Gregory Vincent St Thomasino, New York.
a noun sing ē- rā/ tiō
Seitenwechsel / Kathrin Schadt (Barcelona, Spain), Gundega Repše (Riga, Latvia), David Eisermann (Bonn, Germany), James Hopkins (Kathmandu, Nepal), David Oates (Portland/Oregon, USA) and Johanna Hansen (Düsseldorf, Germany) / with a preface by Johanna Hansen >>

a noun sing ē- rā/ tiō
Seitenwechsel / Kathrin Schadt (Barcelona, Spain), Gundega Repše (Riga, Latvia), David Eisermann (Bonn, Germany), James Hopkins (Kathmandu, Nepal), David Oates (Portland/Oregon, USA) and Johanna Hansen (Düsseldorf, Germany) / with a preface by Johanna Hansen >>